Penguin Fun!
Here is the little rockhoppers hopping back from Library. Ms. Hoffman is teaching them how to play penguin hopscotch while counting by 2's, 5's, & 10's. All of the kids got to make these adorable rockhopper headbands. Finally, a class photo. Why yes, I am dressed like a rockhopper.
Mrs. Hinton & Mrs. Vassallo were in charge of the Don't break the ice games, & pass the penguin. Above they are playing musical icebergs.
Here are the kids working on their penguin reports. They each had groups & challenged the other groups with questions about penguins. They learned so much & had tons of fun!
Val Day Fun!
And now for St. Patty's Day fun!
Thanks to JJ & Kyle's mom for props! The cupcakes were made by JJ's mom....they loved them!
Wow that took F.O.R.E.V.E.R! HOPE YOU ENJOYED ALL THE PICS! IF YOU READ THIS FAR TELL YOUR CHILD I OWE THEM A FUZZY. SSh! Tell them to whisper it to me. We are running low on big fuzzies!
This is one of my very favorite pictures. This is my niece & Bentley when he was a pup on St. Patrick's Day! So cute!